- Makeup done at client's location + $100
- Makeup starts before 730am + $90 (at client's location)
- Makeup starts before 4am + $200 (at client's location)
+ $250 per hour
TERMS AND CONDITIONS for 2in1 bundle package
Confirmation and payment
To confirm a booking, transfer a non-refundable deposit of 50% via Paynow to 82229865 (Jas) or bank account to POSB savings 189-42634-8 within the next 48 hours or your slot will be released. An invoice will be sent to you after payment confirmation. The remaining balance must be cleared 3 days before the service day. If your service date is approaching, I will request full payment instead of a deposit.
No refunds, either in part or in full, will be issued if you choose to cancel, change the date, or downgrade your package after the booking date is confirmed. This is because potential clients may have been turned away for your selected date and time slot.
Images /Videos
We may use the images on the website and/or in any advertising media platforms deemed appropriate. If you prefer not to have your images shared, please let us know in advance.
All brushes and makeup products are kept sanitary and are sanitised before every makeup application. If you have sensitive skin and/ or are allergic to anything, do let me know in advanced and bring your own products along for the trial and/ or Actual Day. I will not be held liable for any damages or allergic reactions